P.O. Box 22701 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33335-2701


Broward County Institutions Committee - District 9 of South Florida Meetings Guidelines

COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Are to follow these guidelines as well as their invited speakers. Also, they are required to attend the business meeting on the Second Saturday of each month. Be ever mindful of the Traditions as stated in the Preamble: Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.

The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for AA membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. AA is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. Reprinted with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.


The purpose of this Conflict of Interest policy is to preserve the  6th Tradition and to protect this Committee’s integrity in assuring no member of the Committee benefits financially from service through the Committee, or gives the appearance of such. A present or potential Committee member, (“Person”), has a Conflict of Interest when they have a direct or indirect financial interest in the activities of the Committee.

A Person has a financial interest if they have, directly or indirectly, through business, investment, or family: 1) an ownership or investment interest in any entity which could profit from the participation of the Person volunteering on the Committee, or 2) an arrangement where the Person is compensated by any entity or individual with which the Committee deals, or 3) a potential ownership or investment interest in, or compensation arrangement with, any entity or individual with which the Committee deals with.


A. If there is any conflict between their rules and A.A. ‘s traditions, call a Committee Officer immediately.
B. DO NOT take any family members, friends or sponsors of residents into any facility.
C. Only men are to be taken into men’s facilities, and only women are to be taken into women’s facilities unless otherwise permitted by the facility.


A. Open each meeting with a Moment of Silence, followed by the Serenity Prayer.
B. Read the A.A. Preamble.
C. Have “How It Works” read (preferably by a resident of the facility).
D. Introduce yourself, being brief and sincere.
E. Tell residents that “This is an Institutions Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous and we ask that all comments be related to alcohol, which is our Primary Purpose for being here.”
F. We are there to “Carry the A.A. Message” only.
G. Hold all meetings to one (1) hour only.
H. According to each facility:
1. Introduce your speaker
2. Depending on time, allow a brief discussion.
3. Encourage residents to share.
4. DO Not dominate the meeting.
I. Close each meeting with the Lord’s Prayer.
J. Leave the facility promptly … DO NOT go anywhere that you are not permitted.
K. ONLY the chairman and one speaker are allowed at each meeting.


A. We DO NOT counsel, lend money, find homes, jobs, or solve personal problems for the residents.
B. A Member shall NOT sponsor residents attending any meeting they chair.
C. DO NOT give or take Phone #’s or addresses from anyone in any facility.
D. You may mention your Home Group’s name.


A. Bodies are to be covered, clean and neat.
B. Dressing neatly leaves a good impression.
C. Men will wear long pants.
D. NO shorts, tank-tops, short skirts or low-cut blouses, etc., are to be worn.
E. NO special interest clothing; such as shirts with advertising, motorcycle regalia, or obscene language, etc., is to be worn.


A. Committee Members:
1. One (1) full year of continuous sobriety.
B. Speakers:
1. One year of continuous sobriety for Correctional Facilities.
2. One year of continuous sobriety for Treatment facilities.
3. IMPORTANT: See attached list for requirements of specific facilities.


A. Are NOT used as Institutions Committee Members in correctional facilities.
B. SPEAKERS – Correctional facilities
1. ONLY used if special permission is received.
2. DO NOT ask for this special permission on your own.
3. Special permission is to be gotten ONLY by an Institutions Committee Officer.

VIII. WARRANTS (Still Outstanding}:

A. Persons with these are NOT to be used as Institutions Committee Members.
B. Persons with these are NOT to be used as speakers in any facilities.


A. NOT to be used in any facility by any A.A. Member.
B. We try to attract people to Alcoholics Anonymous, not offend them.


A. ALL FACILITIES: NO cigarettes, gum, candy, or any other such items are to be given to any resident in any facility by any A.A. member.
B. Correction Facilities: A.A. Literature for State Facilities, by permission only. For B.S.O., comply with: “Written Guidelines for Recovery Gr. Materials”.
C. Treatment/Hospital Facilities: ONLY A.A. Literature can be taken in.
D. NON-APPROVED LITERATURE, BOOKS, TAPES, ETC., are NOT to be taken into any facility.

XI. PHYSICAL CONTACT (Correctional Facility):

A. No Physical Contact is Allowed.

XII. CLEARANCES (Correctional Facility):

A. May be run on anyone (Committee Member – Speaker) without prior notice.
B. Be sure your speakers are cleared or clearable, or they may be detained.
C. Physical searches may be performed at any time in any Correctional facility.
D. Read B.S.O. Guidelines for “Speaker Clearances.”


A. Committee Officers and/or other Steering Committee Members will be checking any/all Committee Meetings at any time without prior notice.
B. We need to be sure that each of us adhere to these Guidelines.


A. Are responsible for making sure your designated meeting is covered.
B. DO NOT have any Non-Committee Member cover any Committee Meeting without a Committee Officer’s specific approval.
C. DO NOT cancel any Committee Meeting on your own.
D. Call your Coordinator or a Committee Officer and they will find a replacement Chairman for the meeting, or make the decision to cancel a meeting.


A. “I am responsible. When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there. And for that I am responsible.”
B. Your cooperation with following these Guidelines is expected. This will ensure that the A.A. Tradition of attraction, not promotion, is followed.
BCIC South Florida AA Meetings Broward