The Chairperson may be removed by a two-thirds majority vote of the SteeringCommittee, and the reason(s) for the action are to be stated. ELECTION, TERM AND REMOVAL OF THE OTHER STEERING COMMITTEE OFFICERS: The general and common manner of election, term and removal of all other Officers (Assistant Chairperson, Registrar, Secretary and Treasurer) are:
A. In October of each year, each Officer shall announce if they are willing to succeedthemselves for an additional year, if the maximum term has not been fulfilled.
B. With the Steering Committee’s majority approval, any Officer may succeed selffor one year, for a maximum of a two-year term, not including any partial term of service.
C. Any time an Officer position becomes vacant, or in October as the end of the maximum term approaches, the Chairperson or any other Steering Committee Member shall nominate qualified Members of the Steering Committee for an Officer position. If the nominee is willing to serve, each of the Coordinators will notify the Committee Members on their page and ask them if they approve of the election of the nominee.
D. In November at the Steering Committee Meeting, the Coordinators, in accordance with the input and Committee Member’s conscience gathered from the survey of Committee Members on their page, along with other voting members of the Steering Committee, may elect the new Officer by a majority vote.
E. If the majority of the Steering Committee Members do not elect an Officer, other candidates will be considered and the Steering Committee will elect the new Officer with a two-thirds majority vote of approval. Third Legacy procedures will be utilized for the election of a qualified Officer. The Coordinators will advise the Committee Members on their pages of the election results.
F. Any Officer may be removed by a two-thirds majority vote of the Steering Committee, and the reason(s) for the action are to be stated. In the event any Officer no longer meets the qualifications of the position, the Officer shall be removed. Any Qualification for Officer may be waived by a two-thirds vote if not to do so would leave the position vacant.
A. Must have at least four years of continuous sobriety.
B. Must have previously served at least two years on the Steering Committee.
C. Must maintain BSO Clearance during term of office.
A. Attend monthly Broward County Institutions Committee General Business and Steering Committee Meetings.
B. Work closely with the Broward County Institutions Committee Chairperson and be able to fill-in on a temporary basis if or when the Chairperson isn’t able to conduct the Committee’s monthly meetings or other responsibilities.
C. Assume responsibilities requested by the Broward County Institutions Committee Chairperson.
D. In the event the Chairperson is unable, attend the South Florida Area 15 General Service Assembly
1) Treatment Committee and
2) Correctional Committee business meetings and workshops, and give District 9 activity reports to the Area. Pertinent Information obtained at the Quarterly should be passed on to the Committee Members upon return. If attending on behalf of the Chairperson, expenses of up to $300.00 per Assembly, less reimbursements, if any, for such attendance from another source, verified by written receipt, shall be reimbursed when attendance is outside the tri-county area, such reimbursements to include gas, lodging, food and other traveling expenses. In the event any other Officer fills in for the Chairperson or Assistant Chairperson, such Officer may receive reimbursement as described.
E. Attend appointments with all facilities when the Chairperson is not available
F. Maintain contact with all Coordinators and keep the Chairperson advised as to openings and problems.
A. Must have at least three years of continuous sobriety. Must have previously served at least two years on the Steering Committee.
C. Must have basic computer skills, Internet access, and a working knowledge of any software necessary to perform the duties of the position.
A. Attend monthly Broward County Institutions Committee General Business and Steering Committee meetings and record changes of all members and meetings by appropriate computer program(s).
B. Prepare a revised Meeting List of members and meetings for the next monthly business meeting no later than two weeks after the prior meeting, and a Final Meeting list to be printed and available for distribution at the monthly business meeting in a sufficient number of copies for anticipated Committee Members.
C. Maintain BCIC Meeting Lists, Committer Volunteer Information and Data Sheets, and other records and files and prepare any/all rep01ts requested by the Chairperson.
D. With the approval of the Steering Committee, purchase needed office and computer supplies such as paper and ink, along with printing and photocopying expenses. Only the Treasurer’s approval is necessary for expenditures under One Hundred ($100) Dollars.
A Must have at least three years of continuous sobriety. B. Must have previously served at least two years on the Steering Committee. C. Must have basic computer skills, Internet access, and a working knowledge of any software necessary to perform the duties of the position.
A Attend monthly Broward County Institutions Committee General Business and Steering Committee Meetings and record minutes of all such meetings.
B. Make such minutes, and the BCIC Treasurer’s Report available to all of the BCIC Steering Committee Members, and to the Chairpersons, Secretaries, and Liaisons oflntergroup and General Service, as soon as approved by the Steering Committee.
C. When directed by the Chairperson, mail notices and letters to Broward County Institutions Committee Officers, Steering Committee Members, Committee Members, and Liaisons.
D. Maintain records and files of all documents created by the Secretary, along with the Treasurer’s Reports. It is recommended that such be digitally saved in order that such can be passed along to the succeeding Recording Secretary. Prepare any correspondence requested by the Chairperson.
F. Purchase postage and other supplies needed to perform duties as outlined with approval of the Steering Committee, to be reimbursed upon submission of written receipt. G. Failure to be present at three consecutive Broward County Institutions Committee General Business or Steering Committee Meetings will be considered resignation, at the discretion of the Steering Committee.
1. QUALIFICATIONS OF THE TREASURER: A. Must have at least three years of continuous sobriety.
B. Must have previously served at least two years on the Steering Committee.
C. Must have basic computer skills and a working knowledge of any software necessary to perform the duties of the position.
A Contributions that are received for the Broward County Institutions Committee are to be recorded with accounting as to the source of the contributions.
B. A receipt for each contribution shall be generated and distributed to the contributors by the most practicable method. Pay necessary and prudent expenses. Expenditures are to be recorded and reported with sufficient detail to inform on how and for what purpose funds were spent, and to obtain and maintain written receipts.
C. In February of each year, calculate and report to the Steering Committee for approval a prudent reserve to be maintained for the calendar year. A prudent reserve equal to six (6) months of the preceding calendar year’s average monthly expenses is suggested, however, may be established from time to time by two.thirds majority vote of the Steering Committee. When the balance of the account is less than the established prudent reserve, the Chairperson and Steering Committee are to be promptlynotified.
D. Contributions, expenses, statement of prudent reserve and operating funds balance are to be reported in the Treasurer’s Report with sufficient copies for the Steering Committee in advance of the monthly Steering Committee Meeting.
E. Once approved by the Steering Committee, the Treasurer’s Report is to given to the Recording Secretary for distribution as required, and sufficient copies should be made for distribution to Committee Members at the next monthly Organizational Meeting.
 F. A Broward County Institutions Committee checking account shall be maintained at a local bank. All checks in excess of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars require the signatures of the Chairperson and the Treasurer.
G. Purchase postage and other supplies needed to perform duties as outlined with approval of the Steering Committee, and to be reimbursed upon submission of written receipt.
H. Have books available for examination. AMENDMENT OF THESE BY-LAWS When changes are deemed necessary, these By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the Broward County Institutions Committee Steering Committee.